"In 1965, Giuseppe Manini, a building contractor, noticed that the gates were always left open in residential communities. You needed to get out of the car to open them, but no one ever went back to close them afterwards." Does this sound familiar? I..
Why Do Some Gate Openers Cost More Than Others?If you are currently searching for an automatic gate opener, otherwise known as a remote gate opener, you may discover an interesting fact about pricing. You'll notice that some gate openers are very sim..
Types of Automatic Gate OpenersMuch like garage door openers, automatic gate openers have become a necessity. They can provide ease of access to your property, as well as provide security. There are several different types of gate openers that work w..
Water and Gate OpenersHouston is no stranger to heavy rains and flooding. In this industry is not uncommon at all for people to forget about their gate opener as long as it is still working but doing a couple of preventative things after huge rains w..
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